
The Trends in Technology Recruitment in 2022

The technology recruitment sector is a rapidly changing and evolving market. With technological advances coming out regularly, it can be difficult for companies to keep up with the ever-changing landscape.

This blog will discuss the biggest trends in technology recruitment in the previous year and how companies have adapted to them.

The Growing Demand for Specialised Skillsets

One of the most notable trends in technology recruitment is a growing demand for highly specialised skill sets. This is driven by an increased need for professionals with deep technical knowledge, particularly in areas such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), blockchain, data science and cloud computing. As these technologies continue to advance, employers are looking for candidates with more specialised skill sets who can keep up with the latest developments.

Increasingly Flexible Job Roles

Another trend gaining momentum over the last few years is an increasing focus on job roles that offer more flexibility. This could include part-time or remote working arrangements or job roles that give employees more autonomy and control over their day-to-day tasks. Employers recognise that flexible job roles can benefit employers and employees by reducing stress levels and improving overall productivity.

Data-Driven Approach to Recruitment

The increasing use of data-driven techniques is another major trend shaping the technology recruitment landscape in 2022. By leveraging data analytics platforms and algorithms, recruiters can quickly identify high-quality talent among hundreds or thousands of applicants. This can help them make more informed decisions about which candidates are best suited for roles within their organisation. Additionally, by leveraging data-driven techniques like natural language processing, employers can automate some of their recruitment processes and free up valuable resources that can be used elsewhere within their organisation.

Investing in Ongoing Training

Discoverer International recognises the importance of providing ongoing training and education to its AWS candidates to ensure they always remain fully informed on the latest developments and best practices. Giving candidates the option of continuing training allows Discoverer International to ensure that their AWS candidates have the knowledge, skills, and capabilities to do their job proficiently and safely.

Discoverer International strives to provide its AWS candidates with the best educational experience possible. In addition, training materials are regularly updated to keep up with any changes or advancements in the industry.

Discoverer International can put candidates on training for full certification programs for AWS professionals. Our team is dedicated to helping candidates not only understand the basics of AWS but also become certified experts in their respective areas of expertise.

Contact us for more information on how Discoverer International can help you find your next role, here.